Hi Folks,
Welcome to the financial portal (moneyvisual.com). Interested in writing for (Write for Us) moneyvisual.com, we are happy to welcome new writers to our team.
The writer should have great knowledge of financial products like personal finance, investment, insurance, income tax, retirement, and business ideas, & other financial services, and should be able to produce high-quality content for our readers.

It is important to read our content guidelines before contacting us about “Write for Us” As of now, we don’t give any compensation, but we would like to let you know that you would enjoy the presence on the developing platform (moneyvisual.com).
You can send us your query about “Write for Us”.
No limit exists on how many articles one writer can submit to us; it depends on you and your schedule. You would love to help people who need financial information decide to invest in financial products and services.
If you are keen on sharing your financial skills with the diverse finance community through our website as a contributing writer, then please get in touch via email or a contact page or ‘write for us’. You can send us your writing sample and we will go through it and reply as soon as possible.
Important Note About ‘Write for Us’
As we are getting a large number of email inquiries about ‘write for us’ it could be a delay in responding to your query. We would request you all have patience, about your query sent. You will get a response from us as soon as possible.
We request you not to send the same query/questions again and again. You need to wait for our response before you resend your query about ‘Write for Us’. Also, do not use this service as spam for marketing purposes.
We don’t guarantee that the post will go live on our website, but if you want to publish your article on our website you should read the below instructions carefully about ‘Write for Us’ and follow them completely.
Important Topics Notes for “Write for Us”
A range of finance and investment categories from which you can choose one and send us your article. If you want to publish your article/blog on our website, please send an article relevant to the below topics only.
- Accounting: Functions of accounting, basics of accounting.
- Banking: Indian banking sector, digital banking, online/net banking, usage of internet banking, how to use online banking, internet banking tips, fixed deposit, how to start fixed deposit.
- Budgeting: Methods, tricks, frugal living, retirement & pension plans.
- Business: Business management tips, how to grow business, business case study.
- Finance: Business finance management and tips, finance analytics, financial education & literacy, finance innovation and growth, financial products & reporting, digitalization in finance, finance transformation, personal finance tips.
- Insurance: Life insurance, term insurance, health insurance, motor insurance, car insurance bike insurance, travel insurance, insurance buying tips.
- Investment: Best ways to invest, gold investment, investment ideas & tips, investment property, portfolio management, real estate investment.
- Loan and Credit Cards: Credit card & debit card tips, mortgage system, debt management, debt consolidation.
- Market: Market case studies & trends, market news, mutual funds, mutual funds investment tips, private and public mutual funds, sip (systematic investment plan), stock market news, trading.
- Money: Managing money, how to save money tips, digital finance, case study, money news, money management tips.
- Tax: Income tax management, indirect taxes, tax planning.
Guidelines for the Article “Write For Us”
- The article’s word count should be 1000-1500+ words or more. The article should be related to finance or financial products only.
- Your content should be high quality and unique and not be available anywhere on the internet.
- It would be best if you tried to find the topics that are present on our site (moneyvisual.com) or not before writing or sending content to us about writing for us.
- You should send the relevant images and infographics if required to be in the articles to better present the purpose of the content.
- If you are a freelancer or work for any kind of content firm and your primary purpose is to link to the keywords to boost your SEO, we are not interested in it.
- If your article is not up to the mark, we are not interested in publishing the content on moneyvisual.com.
- You should not send content for marketing purposes.
- Kindly avoid adding many links from the same domain. If more than 1 link, we will remove it.
- A Maximum of 1 external link is allowed in the article body.
- If we find your link harmful (or not as per Google webmaster guidelines and Google Search Essentials guidelines) for our website in the future your link will be removed without prior notice.
- Avoid adding links with anchor text containing city/country/brand name.
- We are happy to link your blog, website, and social media links in the article. Try to keep your bio to just two to three sentences not more than that.
- We do link audits and if any links lead to an error pages like 404, 408, 500, server time out, etc. We will remove your link without prior notice.
- Share your content through email. Please use the Word doc or Google doc file while sending the piece of articles.
- Currently, we are getting so many emails about ‘guest posts’ or ‘write for us’. Please have patience we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
- We have all the right to edit the content to meet our editorial guidelines. We may edit the piece of content you will share with us to meet the publishing guidelines.
- Also, once the article is published on our website you can not use it anywhere.
- You can also reach us through our contact page.
- It would help if you considered Google’s helpful content guidelines while writing content for us.
- Please include all the references for the article you are sending us for publishing.
- All the articles published on our website (moneyvisual.com) may be shared on our social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
Things to Avoid While Sending Content & Emails about “Write For Us”
- Do not send Articles for Marketing & SEO purposes
- Do not add external links in the first 2-3 paragraphs or first line
- Don’t send unnecessary content piece
- Do not send the same query again and again
- Never send content with grammar errors
- Don’t send content if it is not well-structured
- Do not send other’s works as yours
- Avoid adding many external links to the article
How to Submit Articles?
Send your content to us using our email themoneyvisual[@]gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
While sending articles, you should provide enough information about the topic and subject matter so that we can better understand the purposes.
You can also reach us by using our Contact Us page. After submitting your articles and query about “Write for Us”, please allow us some time.
We will get back to you as soon as possible after reviewing the articles and your query.
Purpose of moneyvisual.com
The only ambition of our finance blog is to present valuable content to our readers. We are searching for articles and posts that benefit readers and help them make an informed decision on financial products.
Thanks for visiting.