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10 Profitable Business Ideas with Little Investment

Starting the business itself is not always an easy task, mainly because there is not always money left to invest.

But currently, several lucrative business opportunities require low investment and offer fast turnaround.

With the crisis, these low-cost investments are alternatives for those who want to start their venture and have a tight financial situation.

Depending on the branch in which it is intended to invest, it is possible to work at home (Home Office) and still keep the business running smoothly and achieving new customers.

Although it is not as easy as many think and there is a long way to be followed to achieve success, having a business of its own is quite profitable.

In addition, you are your boss, that is, you will have plenty of motivation to employ all your effort and boost your venture.

Why Invest in Your Own Business?

For you who are starting or planning to invest in your venture, see some interesting data pointed out by experts on some businesses and the factors that encourage more and more other people to enter this branch:

76% of Brazilians consider that having a business of their own is better than being a person’s employee;

7 out of 10 people are dissatisfied with their current employment;

Brazil is at the top of the world ranking of entrepreneurship;

34 to every 100 Brazilian adults have a company or are involved in creating a business of their own;

92% of Brazilians know that undertaking is to put their hand in the dough;

Having a business is the third biggest dream of Brazilians.

How to assemble small business successfully

When starting a business, you should first determine what kind of product you want to sell, you can research the latest trending products to see which would be the most profitable for you, in addition to defining the product you want to sell, you need to consider several factors, among them and perhaps the most important: define the target audience.

After all, knowing what you want to sell without knowing who to sell is the mistake that many people make and, unfortunately, what brings new ventures to failure or even prevents them from getting out of the paper.

It is essential for the entrepreneur to recognize his target audience because, depending on the product, aspects such as age and economic level are decisive for the success of the business.

Knowing your client well, more than making the sale easier enables you to improve your services and always present new products.

So, before you take the first step in assembling your own profitable business, identifying who will be directing your product can make this process much easier.

See below 5 tips on how to set your target audience and get good results with your venture:

Researching the market you want to act in is the first step in getting your target audience set.

Do a detailed search and learn how to recognize the main needs that customers in this niche have.

Understanding these characteristics is critical to achieving consumer satisfaction.

2. Determine a Specific Group

Generally, a niche can have several groups of interest and you need to be careful about it.

Then, determine a specific group to invest in your product, at least in the beginning.

In addition to saving effort and money, this way you can also identify which group best fits your business Ideas.

3. Present Your Product

Once you’ve set your target audience, it’s time to present your product so that it demonstrates meeting your main needs.

4. Know Your Taste of Customer Taste

By assembling your sales strategy, your store, and other means to present your product, it is important to know how to distinguish your taste from the taste of the customer.

The reason for this is that often certain decorations or forms of communication (for example) can remove potential buyers.

5. Invest in Marketing

To attract new customers and sell, or even show other products to your loyal buyers, you need to disclose your business.

Nowadays, in the era of social media, it is very easy to invest in the marketing of your store.

Enjoy social networks to expose your products and services.

The benefit of using these types of tools is the ease of reaching new customers and the repercussions they have.

In addition, using the Internet requires less time and money than printed media, for example.

10 Profitable Business Ideas & Tips with Little Investment

There are several ways to make small investments with fast turnaround and get good business opportunities.

See below 10 successful small business ideas:

1st Small Business Profitable Option: Importation

Working with the import and resale of products that are not available in Brazil or that are much more expensive around here is a very profitable business idea that demands little investment.

The profit margins of those who deal with this type of venture reach more than 100%.

It is not necessary to know English to import and there are very simple techniques without major bureaucracies where you can pay lower import fees, profit from original products, and still have the security of the invoice that comes directly from the manufacturers.

However, you have to be careful not to fall into a trap.

As the import business has grown a lot in recent times, being aware of the import methods is fundamental for its products not to be taxed with taxes or falsified.

2nd lucrative Small Business Option: Working with Digital Marketing

Earning an extra income or having as its main income the internet is a dream that has made more and more the head of several new entrepreneurs. Currently, the Internet has become an effective tool for making money, as in addition to demanding little investment, connects a vast network of people (possible buyers) and takes information to all sides, Bringing more opportunity for your business.

3rd choice of Small Business Profitable: Repair and Maintenance of Mobile Phones

With the growing number of mobile phones in the country, investing in the maintenance of these appliances is a great opportunity, both for the present and for the future, since many people need specialists in this area.

This market can be very profitable because simple mobile maintenance, 20 minutes of work, can reach almost R $100 real profit.

4th lucrative Small Business Option: Sale of Gourmet Sweets

The fashion of gourmet sweets brought with it a highly profitable business opportunity.

Gourmet Briberies, for example, prepared with fine ingredients, cost on average 5 times more than conventional ones.

Style and high-quality service are very important details when reselling this type of product, especially for exclusive parties (weddings, debutantes, etc.).

To make your business more professional, opt for personalized boxes with your logo.

Also, have good contacts and invest in companies that organize weddings, as they rescan the sweets for prices up to 3 times more expensive and their profit margin may be higher than 100%.

5th lucrative Small Business Option: Solar Panel Installer

The new trend is that many companies and homes have adopted solar panel lights to reduce bills.

The search for professionals for the installation of equipment is increasing, but the supply of professionals is minimal, which makes this area an excellent business opportunity.

The installation of equipment for solar catchment costs up to 5000 reais, which generates a very promising return for those in the market.

In other words, investing in the solar energy sector is undoubtedly investing in a business that tends to be very promising in the future.

6th Small Business Lucrative Option: Virtual Franchises

Virtual franchises, also known as ‘ e-franchising ‘, refer to a type of business that is acquired through franchising (partnership system) and covering various formats.

For example virtual stores, collective shopping sites, travel agencies, online guides, digital ventures, and human resources, among others.

In addition to the low initial cost, virtual franchises have a fast return and are the best option for those seeking to invest in something safe.

With the ease of the Internet, the work is done at home and it is possible to meet a large number of customers.

In a virtual franchise, the biggest advantage of the franchised is to have the same rights as a traditional franchise, such as the Right to the training offered (albeit online), the manuals of the franchise, and the assistance provided by consultants.

If you want to learn more about virtual franchises and their different benefits, visit Franchise UK today to browse the latest virtual franchises for sale.

7th Small Business Lucrative Option: Selling Skewers

The sale of skewers is something that is accessible to anyone and the market has several possibilities.

Easy to prepare, the commercialization of this product can be done on the street, at a commercial point, or even between the partnership with restaurants and cafeterias.

The initial investment is low and profits are around R $6000 per month, depending on the point of sale.

8th Lucrative Small Business Option: Manicure Salon

Opening a manicure salon can be one of the best business tips for those who have little money to invest.

The beauty market in Brazil, despite the crisis, remains strong and there are always customers behind this type of service.

In addition, this type of business can also be managed at home if it is not feasible to invest in a commercial point.

9th lucrative Small Business Option: Niche Virtual Store (e-commerce)

With the ease that the Internet has brought to our lives, it is not surprising that new entrepreneurs are betting on this tool to present and disseminate their products and services to the public, increasingly replacing conventional stores with stores Online.

Starting a profitable business over the Internet requires less time and money than physical business.

In addition, the Internet can encompass a larger area of potential buyers, and achieve potential investors and partners, making product advertising much more effective than traditional means, such as flyers or business cards.

10th lucrative Small Business Option: Repair and Maintenance of Air Conditioning

Because of the high cost and long service life of air conditioning equipment and the need for frequent cleaning of the filter between other parts of the appliance, the repair, and maintenance of air conditioning has become one of the most sought-after lucrative businesses currently by new entrepreneurs.

When entering this branch, you can work in several places: offices, industries, shopping malls, and condominiums.

In addition, there are possibilities of expansion for the maintenance of automotive air conditioning, for example, as well as the rental or sale of used appliances.

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