People are starting to become self-conscious about the way they live and how to become more sustainable and protect the Earth for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations.
Everything we do in our daily lives has a direct or indirect impact on the planet, from the car we drive to the food we eat. And even the smallest piece of paper we print. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to start eating only vegetables and riding a bike everywhere you go.
The highest positive impact starts with the smallest changes in our daily habits. You can always try consuming less meat, driving when necessary, and saving on unnecessary stuff that you’ll later forget you even own. For that purpose, we’ve come up with the best ideas to save money while living a sustainable lifestyle.
What is Sustainable Living?
First of all, let’s make things clear and talk about what is sustainable living. Sustainable living involves smartly using the Earth’s resources so that we do not overspend and overuse energy, natural sources, food, gas, and much more.
It’s reducing the amount we use in our daily lives to an acceptable level, both for us as individuals and for the Earth as our home. In a nutshell, sustainable living means having as little negative impact on the Earth as possible, while replacing the resources that we use, whenever possible.
We must have such a lifestyle due to the waste disposal amounts that are created at high rates. This will later lead to environmental issues like climate change, and pollution and can cause wildfires and increase the carbon footprint.
1. Save Energy
The carbon emissions can be reduced if we buy less energy. And multiple ways can help us achieve this. Like switching off the lights in the rooms of your house where you are not staying, switching off standby appliances, hanging clothes to dry instead of using the drying machine, washing dishes by hand instead of using the washing machine, and many more.
You can also do this by adjusting your day-to-day behavior and using less of the heating and cooling devices as this halves the utility bills once taken into practice. Replacing compact fluorescent lights with light-emitting diode bulbs is a far better way to preserve energy. Even though LED bulbs are more expensive, their efficient use of energy makes them more sustainable and cost-efficient with their longer lifetimes.

2. Grow Your Food
Another useful step in becoming more sustainable and saving more money is to start growing your food. Of course, whenever possible. Not everybody has the will and the resources to start growing crops, so if you do have the opportunity, it’s always a good idea to have your organic food.
And let’s not mention that this way of saving is pretty amazing. It will help you build the community since you will have extra vegetables and fruits that you can share with your neighbors.
Before getting into this business, you need to be aware of certain things. Or you can consider these as our tips for you. Choose the perfect place where you’ll plant the fruit and vegetable seeds. You need to know the right seasons in which they grow so you can make this plan successful.
A better practice is to plant a variety of fruits and vegetables because you never know which one will succeed and grow beautifully. Additionally, you need to be aware of your soil and embed measures into enriching it. And the rest is taking care of the plants and protecting them. Don’t forget to water them regularly! It’s not an easy process, but it’s a rewarding one. That’s why we wanted to emphasize some of the things you’ll need to implement before diving any deeper into the process.
3. Less Rule
The One-Less rule works in a way that it won’t allow you to spend money on unnecessary things, or buy duplicates. For example, one less car, one less pair of shoes, one less bag, etc. riding a bicycle saves money, energy, and resources. Furthermore, if you are on a bike you’ll feel more connected with nature, the people around you, and the environment.
If you earn a certain amount, use the 1% spending rule to save money. If you spend too much in some cases, it shouldn’t be an instant feeling of shame and regret or something to hold you back from your financial goals. The next time, think twice before you buy something impulsively.
Nobody will ask you why you don’t own the latest bag trends. And nobody will even care whether your pair of sneakers is old or new. Whenever possible, always implement the One-Less rule since it will save you a lot of money. Plus, you’ll have a more sustainable lifestyle by buying only the things you need.
4. Reuse
Going green is extremely practical. You don’t need a scientist to tell you what to do. Or a degree to make eco-friendly and smart decisions. You can save money and reduce your consumption by doing a few simple things. First of all, think about how much you consume daily. Then, think about what you can downsize and get it done by doing and buying less. This will reduce your carbon footprint and save you money.
Recycling is one way of saving. And protecting the environment. Can you think of the number of canned beverages and bottles being tossed away each year? The best part is, you can get money to recycle these cans. Now think of all the possible options when you reuse the boxes, gift wraps, and bows.
For birthdays, Christmas presents, anniversaries, and many small holidays throughout the year, we spend a lot of money, time, and energy in wrapping all those gifts. Instead of getting rid of the wrapping materials, you can reduce household waste and reuse them again.
5. Eco-Friendly Laundry
It’s quite easy to be able to put your clothes in the washing machine and take them out ready in a bit. Not having to do this by hand every single time it’s a luxury in the 21st century. But, have you thought about the amount of energy these appliances consume? We’ve mentioned earlier at the beginning of the article investing in smart devices that spend less energy and money.
We are not suggesting that you grab a bucket and wash your clothes like in the old times. You just need to be more mindful and try washing your clothes in cold water as much as possible. And you can always take advantage of our natural dryer – the sun.
6. How to Save Money on Internet Packages
With the rise of the remote culture and work-from-home environment, we need more stable and secure Internet connections. And you can save a lot of money if you invest in the right Internet packages. Choosing the right provider can be quite difficult. Internet downtime issues can be detected anytime, so make sure the service you get is the service you pay for.
Search for coupons, sales, and discounts. Look for the lowest price on a specific item and then compare the two items. Read reviews about the best packages and ISPs. Bundle your services to cut the bill. The options are limitless.