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HomeInsuranceTop 6 Advantages of Mediclaim Insurance

Top 6 Advantages of Mediclaim Insurance

These two words health and medical insurance are used interchangeably. But these two words are different from each other.

Mediclaim insurance follows the principle of indemnity that is the medical insurance company will pay out the total expenses of health care incurred by the holder of the insurance policy.

But the case of health insurance or medical insurance is different. It will reimburse the total expense to the holder during the occurrence of the events like accidents. The benefit is paid mostly in lump sums.

If the policyholder dies then the amount is paid to the nominee of the policyholder which can be any person belonging to the policyholder like his or her wife or husband, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, etc.

The policyholder can give the name of any person he likes. Insurance mediclaim is the necessity of today’s life due to increase in accidents, diseases. If a person does not have medical insurance it can be difficult for him or her to cover the cost of hospitals, medicines, room charges etc.

So, one must take medical insurance to cover those uncertain events. There are many benefits of medical insurance which are discussed below:-

1) Lowering Financial Burden

It helps in lowering the financial burden of the earner of the family because it is difficult for the person to incur the expenses of the hospital if any kind of emergency comes. It may become even impossible for him or her to carry this burden.

He may reside to the loan which again increases his burden or he will use his savings which is again a burden for him. So, medical insurance comes to the rescue by helping him to pay the expense of hospital, surgery, medicines any other kind of health care expenses.

2) Offers Mental Peace

If any kind of such uncertainty or emergency falls the person and the family members may panic that how are they going to cover the expense of the hospital if they do not have any kind of insurance.

But if one has mediclaim insurance there is no need to panic and rush from here to there in search of money because the company must cover those expenses. So, it offers peace of mind to the family members.

3)Cost-Effective Method

Mediclaim is a cost-effective method of acquiring health care services. If the person is paying expenses out of his pocket he will reside in poor health care facilities or poor infrastructure hospitals. The treatment provided to him will be of poor quality that may lead to side effects in future.

So, mediclaim insurance is a cost-effective method to acquire the best services from reputed hospitals and that too at the nominal rates that becomes difficult when the person is paying it from his or her pocket.

4)Tax Benefits to the Policyholder

 The medical policy help the holder of the policy to save under section 80D.It comes under the income tax act 1961. It is one of the best benefits one can opt for as it provides two-way benefits as the person gets the mediclaim policy and tax benefit.

5) Cashless Facility

The mediclaim insurance provides a cashless payment system. The policyholder does not have to pay any amount from his pocket in the form of cash the health insurance company settles the claim automatically on the network.

The transactions are paid in cashless form. So it is not the headache of the person holding the policy. All of this work is shifted to the company. The only work if the person is to acquire the services and leave the rest to the company. The medical insurance company will manage everything on his behalf.

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6) Multiple Claims

The insured person can opt for multiple claims till the time the sum insured is exhausted completely. It is the utmost important benefit of medical insurance that the policyholder can claim more than one time and is not limited to single-time use.

Medical insurance is the necessity of the modern era. Today world is uncertain. One cannot assume what will happen the other second. In the world of increasing accidents and dreadful diseases, one must have medical insurance.

Diseases consume a lot of money of the person. He may have to take heavy loans to treat the illness which will become a burden to him and in turn, it will lead to mental stress, depression which will become a problem.

There are various kinds of medical insurance available in the market one can opt for any of them. Care insurance is medical insurance often obtained by people. They offer many benefits to their policyholder. One must read the rules and regulations before opting for any kind of medical insurance.

But if you are not having it you must think about it as soon as possible. Medical insurance is a lifeline of today’s world. Get it as soon as possible for the security of your life as well as your family members.

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