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Does Business Management Homework Matter for College Students?

As times have changed with the lockdown sending all students from years 5-25 sculling home following social isolation, homework assignments have gotten redefined.

Academicians and students alike, have two opinions about it, as always has been. Some find it a lucrative proposition and some feel it has very little relevance in today’s date. It would be better if it got a fillip of sorts rather than the standard old process of completing assignments.

Does Business Management Homework matter? There are several arguments for and against it whether it does or not. Some of the arguments when fleshed out, leave the reader in a dilemma of sorts. Though they may not help you fetch great grades, they have certainly not lost their relevance. Some of the points put forward by the business management assignment help providers supporting the argument are:

The Night Reading Helps

Business Management homework really matters with a nightly reading not extending an hour or so in college. This needs to be done on an everyday basis accompanied by thorough research of the subject delivered in class with the pros and cons of the subject in question.

Research Helps Boost Academic Achievement

For a solid base on any subject, a substantive amount of research work needs to be done. A research-based works best in improving academic achievement in students. Foremost, it drills a sense of routine in an individual’s life.

Homework Assignments Foster a Routine

Whether in schools or colleges, even though homework does little to push the grades northward, they have several reasons to be incorporated in daily life.

  1. It allows an individual to clear space for a workstation.
  2. Create a potential and peaceful ambiance to promote self-study within the confines of home, when college and school students are currently quarantined.
  3. Promotes students to sit on their workstations with earphones on to once again repeat the day’s lecture as a repeat exercise for revisions.
  4. Homework assignments inculcate discipline for sitting to take up work and deliver all on time.
  5. Teaches the significance of time management and recall learning.
  6. It helps parents, teachers, or professors observe how much work has been comprehended by the student keeping a watch on them.
  7. Initial homework drills fostered by educated parents almost always lead to students being high achievers, as has been observed.

These arguments do have merit, but even then they do little to boost academic achievement in Business management. The subject entails a lot of practicals along with theoretical practice.

Homework Engrains Practised Perfection

A well-known saying to support the point is, ‘practice makes a man perfect’. If a sportsman has to play cricket, he can master the game only with rigorous practice.

And, Psychologists Authenticate the Same As:

Importance of Retrieval Practice –

which is to recall processed learning in the brain for future reference. For example, in ‘retrieval practice’, quick recall of the things done in class is practiced as a test for the students on the field, classroom, or stage.

This is more helpful than reading or rote learning. This kind of learning is retrieved much after you have left the academic centers like schools or colleges say, psychologists.

Importance of Total Recall

If a habit is drilled in to recall loudly the assignments done in class at the end of the day without looking into college assignment lectures, the method also propels quick learning and grasping of the subjects learned in a day, without the aid of rote learning, and they are far more powerful and useful.

It is true, homework in college does reflect on academic grades by as much as 15 percent. But a National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2019, questioned whether Business Management Homework really matters.

The answers were in the affirmative. As there are other more effective ways to encourage learning other than completing homework assignments. And they are:

College Education Promotes Analytical Thinking

Students, according to the NSSE report, clearly benefit from analytical thinking. It promotes writing skills, effective thinking, and critical about subjects. Activities like socialising and interacting with peers, teachers, and internship programs foster the development of critical and analytical learning prowess in students.

Various Engagements Encourage Learning

Faculty interaction and student interaction with peers and seniors prompted and promoted with extra-curricular activities are also some of the ways to learn and grow other than just completing homework. It is established according to the latest reports, that educationally purposeful behaviour promotes learning inside and outside of the classroom.

The First-Year College Prompts Learning

The NSSE reports established how long-term trends in student engagement explain the role of first-year learning in college teacher-student interaction. It paves the way to reach their goals and motives within the next three years from thereon.

Juniors Replicate Senior Behaviour In College

The number of hours that the students now complete in finishing assignments has gone up from 10-15 hours between 2004 -18. They are either studying or reading or writing or doing laboratory work to achieve the learning process without adequate homework to finish. The juniors simply replicate senior behaviour that propels learning without encouraging too much emphasis on homework.

Perception of the Campus Environment Helps to Learn

The role of the campus environment in colleges helps provide support for learning and managing non-academic responsibilities. It is promoted by juniors watching senior behaviour and perceiving and grasping what they see.

Educational Institutions Can Improve Learning Through Experience

Colleges or Universities that help in improving the standard of their students’ experience have several benefits. Institutions that strengthen the college environment with advising and orientation programs also encourage and provide them with the necessary counseling, financial, and career support.


To tackle the significance of homework-particularly for advantaged or disadvantaged students-the the need is to educate teachers about what kind of assignments are likely to work in the present scenario.

Most importantly, comes the requirement for teaching substantively about the new world order in education. This begins with online teaching, in quarantined times, as early as possible with the help of academic writing help available from service providers online.

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