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HomeInsurance10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Having a Health Insurance Agent

10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Having a Health Insurance Agent

Your primary goal when it comes to finding the right insurance plan is finding one that ticks all the right boxes in terms of meeting your personal medical needs and fits your budget too.

The fundamental issue with relying on a government exchange is that you are less likely to get such a wider view of your options than if you worked with a health insurance agent.

Here are some of the key reasons why that might be the right way to get your medical needs covered.

The Chance to Tap into a Wealth of Knowledge

You can’t be expected to understand where to search or even what options you should ask for when trying to sort out a health insurance plan which is why it makes sense to use someone who knows the market and spends their professional life helping clients to find the right coverage.

It can be daunting to try and explore all of your options on your own and government exchange navigators might not have the same level of know-how or options as an insurance agent.

It shouldn’t cost you to get Their Help

Everyone has to try and make a living and insurance agents are no different, however, a key point to remember is that you should often be able to use an insurance agent’s services for free because they earn their money through commission.

There is almost always some sort of fee structure incorporated into the cost of most health insurance plans and that means it shouldn’t cost you any more to use an agent, as they can earn their money by guiding you toward the right deal by getting paid some commission.

The Chance to Fully Understand Exactly what you are Being Offered

Most of us have a real aversion to the fine print and when you combine the option of reading through pages of terms and trying to understand health insurance terminology at the same time, you couldn’t be blamed for giving up trying to work it all out.

The good news is that an insurance agent will often relish the challenge of deciphering all the legal jargon on your behalf.

That means they will be able to give you a clear explanation of what you are being offered and this allows you to make a more informed decision.

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With you Every Step of the Way

Your health care needs will evolve as time goes by and what you want is someone who will be there for you over the longer term and not just offer their help at the point of sale when you first sign up for your health plan.

An insurance agent can review your options and needs on an annual basis and help you make any changes when they are needed.

No Difference in Price

You might think that using a health insurance agent is going to cost you more in some way or another when compared to using a government exchange to sort out your health insurance requirements.

It should be noted that the plan you choose will be the same regulated price, regardless of where you buy it.

Therefore, it is a no-brainer to use an insurance agent if they can offer you a wider choice of options and a professional opinion without costing you more.

What About Subsidies?

You might also be concerned about subsidies and whether you can only apply for these through a government exchange.

This should not be a concern as you will be able to apply for health insurance subsidies using either option.

Provided the insurance agent is authorized to process subsidy applications there is no disadvantage to using someone independent of the government.

Subsidies can make a big difference to your monthly premiums so it is worth remembering that your insurance agent should be able to help with this.

Help with Enrolling

Your chosen health insurance agent may also be able to provide the assistance you need with enrolling for a subsidy-eligible plan.

Check with your agent, but in many cases, it should be the case that they can provide you with access to the same subsidy-eligible plans that are being offered via the government exchange.

A Wider View of Your Purchasing Options

It is also worth bearing in mind that if you decide to go through a government exchange for your health insurance plan you will be restricting your purchasing options.

Ideally, you want to explore as many plans available as possible so that you can choose the right one for your needs and budget. A health insurance agent will be able to access more plans and options than will be possible if you use a government exchange.

The Right Training for the Job

Another key point to consider is that health insurance agents need to be licensed to recommend plans to you.

That should provide you with peace of mind that they have been trained to identify and suggest a plan that is the most appropriate for your requirements.

Be mindful that an unlicensed government exchange navigator might not have the same level of professional credentials.

The Promise of a Better Customer Experience

You won’t need reminding that looking after your health is hugely important and that means you don’t want to cut any corners or end up with the wrong cover.

If you use a health insurance agent they should prove sufficiently professional and motivated by customer service ideals to provide you with great service and find the plan that is right for you and fits your budget too.

Can you afford not to get everything right when it is your health insurance that you are trying to sort out?

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